Sales Recruiting Bootcamp

Empower your team to attract, hire, and retain top sales talent.

Join our virtual sales recruiting bootcamp to learn proven strategies and best practices from 30 years of data and 2.6 million sales candidates.

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    About the Sales Recruiting Bootcamp

    The HireDNA Sales Recruiting Bootcamp is a live virtual training program designed to equip recruiters and hiring managers with advanced skills and strategies for effective sales recruitment. It focuses on practical, hands-on learning, covering each step in the recruitment process from candidate sourcing and screening to onboarding.

    Who Should Attend and Why?

    With the average cost of a bad hire reaching 10x their salary and turnover above 35%, recruiting and retaining sales professionals is difficult and expensive. The market is getting more competitive, sales cycles are longer and more complex, and missed quotas are rising. 

    With these odds, you can’t afford to leave your hiring to chance. You need a proven system that works.

    Recruiters & Talent Teams

    • Source candidates faster
    • Reduce time to fill
    • Improve screening accuracy
    • Reduce unconscious bias

    Hiring Managers

    • Reduce hiring mistakes
    • Improve interview skills
    • Enhance candidate selection
    • Optimize onboarding

    Sales Leaders & CEOs

    • Improve hiring efficiency
    • Reduce hiring cost
    • Increases retention
    • Build a better sales culture

    How the Bootcamp Works

    • Request Access

      Complete the form to request free access.

    • Get the Course Schedule

      We’ll email you the course curriculum and schedule. 

    • Join and Learn

      Select and attend the live sessions that best fit your schedule.  

    • Implement and Optimize

      We’ll provide the tools and playbooks to implement lessons learned. 

    What You Will Learn

    Course Outline

    Learn advanced techniques and strategies for identifying and engaging top talent, create job descriptions that get noticed, and double your LinkedIn response rates.

    Learn how to screen candidates in just 15 minutes. What questions to ask. How to build interest and trust, while weeding out low performers quickly.

    How using a sales assessment will significantly impact your recruiting process. Selecting and implementing the right tool.

    Tips for streamlining the interview process. How to remove redundancies to reach decisions faster. Getting the hiring team in sync and keeping candidates engaged for a better experience.

    Best practices and strategies for effectively crafting and presenting job offers that get accepted.

    Developing a clear and realistic onboarding plan, ensuring new hires quickly become productive by setting defined expectations and goals.

    Impact On Your Sales Recruiting


    Reduce Time to Fill


    Source and Screen Faster


    Lower Hiring Costs


    Accelerate New Hire Ramp


    Boost Quota Attainment


    Increase Retention Rates


    Improve Offer Acceptance


    Increase Recruiter Productivity


    Improve Sales Teams Culture


    Reduce Bad Hires

    Interested in outsourcing your sales recruitment? We can help.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How is the training delivered?

    The training will be delivered live via an online webinar. 

    How long is each training session?

    Training sessions generally last 45 minutes, including an instructor-led presentation, interactive exercise, and Q&A.

    When will the training take place?

    Training sessions will take place monthly. You will receive the full course outline and schedule upon registration. 

    What if I can’t make a training session?

    No worries. All registrants will receive a recorded version of the training session to watch at their convenience. 

    How much does it cost?

    The sales recruiting bootcamp is free. There is no cost for access or to attend. 

    Do you offer private training?

    Yes, contact us to learn more about our customized and private sales recruiting training and costs. 

    Can you help us with recruiting?

    Yes, HireDNA provides recruiting services, tools, and assessments if you want to outsource all or part of your sales recruiting process. 

    Is this recruiting training for sales positions only?

    Yes, the HireDNA sales recruiting bootcamp is designed specifically for recruiting sales talent.