Sales Recruiting Subscriptions

Scalable Hiring on a Fixed Budget

We offer flexible monthly subscriptions for companies looking to scale teams quickly without costly placement fees. 

How Subscription Sales
Recruiting Can Work for You

Subscription sales recruiting is designed for high-growth organizations looking to scale teams quickly and cost-effectively. 

Save Time & Money

  • Get Qualified Candidates in Just 5 Days
  • Reduce Time to Hire by 50% 
  • Eliminate Time Spent Sourcing and Screening 
  • Improve DEI and Reduce Unconscious Bias

Reduce Hiring Mistakes 

  • Eliminate 92% of Hiring Mistakes
  • 4x More Accurate than Traditional Screening
  • Replicate Top Performers with 95% Accuracy
  • Reduce Sales Turnover by 50%

Hit Your Sales Targets Faster 

  • 2x Faster New-hire Ramp
  • Improve Quota Attainment by 25% 
  • Improve Training and Coaching Effectiveness 
  • 83% New Hire Success Rate

Our Subscription Sales Recruiting Process


Recruiting Intake

We conduct a thorough intake to understand your unique hiring needs, goals, and requirements.


Talent Sourcing

We proactively source passive and active candidates using the best tools and our vast sales talent network.


Candidate Screening

Candidates complete an objective data-driven vetting process to ensure they match your role and culture and have the right experience and skills for success.


Interview and Selection 

We handle the interview scheduling, candidate follow-ups, and debriefings. Throughout the process, we work closely with your team to support the selection process.


New Hire Support

We schedule monthly check-ins with clients and candidates over the first 90 days to ensure a smooth onboarding process and address any potential issues. 

Roles We Recruit

We offer subscription sales recruiting for individual contributor roles.

SMB Account Executive
MM Account Executive 
Ent. Account Executive
Account Manager
Business Development
Sales Development Rep
Sales Ops and Enablement
Customer Success
Sales Engineer
Account Development Rep
Account Director
Inside Sales Rep

HireDNA Platform Features

We provide an end-to-end platform to track every step of the recruitment process. 

  • Employer Dashboard
  • Candidate Tracking
  • Interview Scheduling
  • Weekly Reporting
  • Recruiting Analytics
  • Detailed Candidate Profiles